Wednesday, August 26, 2020
What Makes a Good Leader (Organisational Behaviour) Essay
What Makes a Good Leader (Organizational Behavior) - Essay Example In contemporary occasions, we will in general comprehend and identify with ‘leadership’ comparable to the board of individuals for accomplishing explicit objectives. A thorough idea of authority can be gotten by finding out about Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. This report assesses Lincoln’s initiative characteristics, as clarified in writing on legislative issues, history and the executives, in examination with customary and contemporary authority hypotheses. Techniques: Numerous ideas and hypotheses of initiative exist in the administration writing. Northouse (2009) has clubbed different initiative speculations into justifiable ideas, which incorporate the characteristic, the executives, abilities, style, circumstance, transformational, credible administration, psychodynamic hypothesis and so on. In this report, Lincoln’s initiative dependent on these hypotheses and points of view is assessed in a brief way. Results: From ab ilities viewpoint, Tarbell (2008) calls attention to that Lincoln’s endeavors in discourse making began during his youth and used to go to court meetings to learn law. He had the capacity to draw in swarms by starting narrating acts, which were exceptionally valued by the groups. Lincoln was significantly drawn towards picking up information and comprehension of legislative issues, history, just as incredible administration of individuals, for example, Washington (Charnwood, 2008). As indicated by Curtis (1902), ‘Abraham Lincoln's creativity, valor, and fearlessness, his unerring view of good and bad, made him a pioneer and gave him an impact which other men didn't have†(p.371). Northouse (2009) features five kinds of intensity that pioneers practice to be specific, referent, master, authentic, reward and coercive force, which were all practiced by Lincoln. From authority characteristics hypothesis point of view, Lincoln’s administration can be contrasted and Stodgill’s proposition of initiative qualities (see supplement 1). Indeed, Northouse (2009) clarifies that attribute speculations of initiative depend on the inborn characteristics and qualities controlled by extraordinary pioneers of the past, of which Lincoln is likewise one. The abilities point of view accentuates three principle capabilities, critical thinking aptitudes, social judgment abilities and information. Abraham Lincoln’s abilities of conveying, motivating, massive information and the manner in which he took care of the common war are excellent of his unmatchable administration aptitudes. His vital method of taking care of the common war after he was chosen as the President cleared effective closure of the war (Wilson, 2008), particularly when he didn't have any understanding of taking care of war. Also, his insight, individuals associate, and capacity to impact and motivate helped in this circumstance. Lincoln’s initiative style is accepted to be adaptable and furthermore firm, and it relied on the circumstance. Phillips (2007) clarifies that Lincoln was surprisingly reliable during his Presidency, which was repeated to his bureau members’ activities and choices. Here, he was additionally order and empowering. He energized inclusion from others in basic dynamic procedures, particularly those identified with the common war. Phillips (2007) clarifies, ‘Lincoln was a pioneer who might not and didn't restrict himself†(p.78); this shows his adaptability and duty towards his duties and desire. These two abilities are considered as fundamental aptitudes for pioneers. On the initiative framework, proposed by Blake and Mouton, Lincoln can be set in Team the board lattice due to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Soul Sphere(2015) by Born Of Osiris free essay sample
Imprint this as the third Djent discharge this year that Ive audited. Anyway, alot can be said with regards to the extraordinary old buddy of Born of Osiris. These folks are a dynamic metalcore/deathcore or djent band that has had a religion following since the start yet truly began to explode in 2011 with the arrival of The Discovery. From that point forward, I hear, its been going downhill for them. However, perhaps theyre is something intriguing in Soul Sphere. Soul Sphere is shockingly shorter than I wouldve envisioned, well in any event the tracks are. I would have expected in any event a couple of 5 brief tracks in here on the grounds that with the timed air theyre ready to achieve, they could have pulled it off inside that measure of time. There is consistent special timing of the notes in here incidentally, such that causes it to appear to be somewhat jumbled and difficult to follow. We will compose a custom article test on Soul Sphere(2015) by Born Of Osiris or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Additionally with that, alot of the primary riffs appear to be astoundingly like each other that it will be difficult to separate, and those are actually the most serious issues here. With respect to the positives: it uses some pleasant audio cues to offer a little reprieve through the franticness, the vocal styles, while not every one of my top picks are taken care of well and done decent variety other than snarling, there are organized parts out of sight that are generally black out generally however radiate through now and then and sound cool. The environment is taken care of pleasantly, as it should, with gratitude to synths, consoles and a portion of the djenting that is in the collection. The positives exceed the negatives so right now it is sitting at a C+ grade which isnt such awful. Lets see what else we have, well the short length could to some degree help individuals to help get into the band however that is to a greater extent an individual inclination looking at the situ ation objectively. It isnt thought about a perfect work of art however it could help individuals see stunningly better the ability of what they accept that would be( basic most loved is The Discovery however). Likewise it could acquaint individuals attempting with get into the class its self since well, Born of Osiris is one of the famous Djent groups really. Presently its opportunity to discover the last grade. I give this collection a 8.5/10. Im the Grim Reaper, closing down.
Friday, August 21, 2020
5 Tips to Help a Friend With Anxiety
5 Tips to Help a Friend With Anxiety February 24, 2020 AMV Photo/Digital Vision/Getty Images More in GAD Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment People who struggle with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) often need more than psychotherapy and medication to overcome their problems. One of the most important factors is strong support from people in their lives. Friends and family can be an integral part of the treatment system and can make a difference in recovery time as well as sustain remission. The following are guidelines for helping your friend or family member with GAD. What Is GAD? Be Supportive This may seem like an obvious rule to follow, but being a good, supportive can be tough work. Making sure that you can listen empathically without becoming frustrated, provide helpful suggestions, and reinforce continuing with treatment is not easy, but can be the difference between quick recovery and a long-term struggle. Try to avoid crossing boundaries that your friend has set up regarding what kind of help (or how much help) they want. Being respectful is a key component of good support. How GAD Affects Relationships Educate Yourself Do what you can to learn about GAD symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Once you become more knowledgeable, it will be easier to avoid becoming frustrated and disillusioned. Help Find Treatment For people who have yet to be diagnosed or are fearful of seeking professional help, a supportive friend can be an important influence in taking the first step. Helping your friend find a treatment provider and encouraging her to follow through can show that you want the best for them. How GAD Is Treated However, be careful not to become overly invested in this process yourself. If your friend simply does not want to get help, then most methods of trying to force her can make the situation worse and could potentially damage your friendship. Look over the anxiety treatment guide for more information. Get Your Own Help If you are in a very close relationship with someone significantly struggling with GAD, you can also become worn out and frustrated. Activating your own support system can make the difference between helper burnout and continued support. Talking to a therapist, advisor, or close friend to get support ?is important, but make sure not to jeopardize the confidence your friend with GAD has in you. Have Fun People with GAD don’t only need folks to discuss their problems with, they also need friends that can make their lives fun and enjoyable. Without putting too much pressure on yourself or significantly trying to alter a strong relationship, being a fun and relaxing person to be around can make you an invaluable support. Living Well With GAD
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Importance Of Sustainability At The California Of The...
The Importance of Sustainability Throughout this course, over the past semester, we have discussed a variety of ideas and opinions. These ideas include such concepts as science and religion coexisting together, the origins of life, politics, California being the edge of western civilization, and what my essay will focus on, sustainability. Much of the latter half of this course focuses on the idea of ecological sustainability, meaning that there is a limit to the amount of natural recourses we currently have, so we must conserve and manage the remaining recourses we have left, in order to protect the environment and have future recourses. This concept will be further elaborated on when I write about the Assembling California reading by†¦show more content†¦Additionally, I came to realize that people don’t fully understand, or simply don’t care about the repercussions of what their actions may or have caused to the surrounding ecosystem. The desire for wealt h has made individuals numb to the extent of their actions, as long as their actions are beneficial for themselves. By this I mean that individuals will essentially destroy the planet in order to get rich, without thinking about what their actions will cause to the local ecosystem. This search for raw materials in many ways is a double-edged sword, by this I mean that the gold rush has made California into what it is today, but it has also caused irreducible damage to the environment. This means of using raw materials can be applied to any location, in which individuals have no other means to provide for their family, whether their occupation is drilling for oil, mining for ore, or deforesting for farming. It saddens me to watch most of the world to search for wealth, rather than preserving the environment for future generations. Moreover, I understand why people in developing countries destroy the local environment for money, but when the natural recourses ultimately diminish, what will they be left with? The way the environment is currently being destructed makes me think of WALL-E, the Earth looked after all the natural recourses were gone and how no life could even be sustained, aside from aShow MoreRelatedPersonal Environmental Statement and Action Plan1569 Words  | 7 Pagesscientific skills are being honed by controlled experiments, leading toward statistical analysis and debating ethical issues. The thought of studying issues of such overwhelming importance still fills me with awe. Environmental Studies continue to give substance to the issues that are continually significant to me, such as biofuels, soil science, permaculture and policy. I am vehement about pollution and waste management practices/solutions now for our Island, polluted runoff is the greatest threat toRead MoreHow Water Usage Is Affecting The World And The People Within Societies1732 Words  | 7 Pages Throughout generations the human population has overlooked the importance of water. Despite the fact that we use water every day and for just about everything people seem to disregard the fact that water is a limited resource. As a result, water is being depleted at an alarmingly fast rate. In this essay, I explore the theme of water that recurred throughout modules 5,6,7 of Core 1. I draw upon these modules to explore how water usage is currently affecting the world and the people within societiesRead MoreFunctional Response Of Lace Wing1042 Words  | 5 Pagesorganisms to control pest populations(Eilenberg, Hajek et al. 2001), dates from ancient times. 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With unseasonably higher temperatures presenting issues farther into the future, in â€Å"Adapting California s water management to climate change†, the authors Ellen Hanak and Jay Lund provide an overview of the effects California’s climate has during times of drought, and the complications it presents for the State s wate r management. Water managementRead MoreLiving in the Environment 16th Edition Chapter Review and Vocabulary6220 Words  | 25 PagesLiving in the Environment : Concepts, Connections and Solutions Miller and Spoolman 16th Edition Practice Questions: Chapters 1-25 2009 - 2010 Practice Questions – Chapter 1 Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Describe what is meant by the phrase â€Å"an environmentally sustainable society†as related to the human population. Distinguish between (a) natural capital (b) natural resources (c) natural services (d) solar capitalRead MoreGlobal Water Crisis Essay2352 Words  | 10 Pagesthinking of solutions deal with the issue of water distribution among countries, water conservation and the issue of having sanitary water. Throughout many years, studies and experiments have been conducted to help conserve water. In a university in California, a study was placed to help change the laws and policies concerning the distribution and conservation of water. From this study, done by students in this northern university, they discovered that changes made in the laws and regulations of waterRead MoreDid American Exceptionalism Cause Irreparable Damage or Spell Success1699 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican exceptionalism it is essential to consider what exceptionalism is and how it has been integral in production of the modern day United States of America. As a result of exceptionalism and indeed expansionism in America it is also of supreme importance to look into the effects of such a radical polic y, in particular the plight of the native Americans, how their lives were changed and in many cases destroyed because of Anglo-Saxon settlement. With the lives lost, the culture destroyed, the land
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Effects Of Stereotyping In Schools - 1122 Words
Stereotyping in High Schools Stereotyping is alive and well in today’s society. â€Å"Stereotyping is a form of prejudice that forms damaging images of an individual, by classifying him or her according to a particular characteristic that is found among the group of people that the individual is associated with†(Malika). Everyone gets stereotyped no matter their gender, color, religion, political view, or how you act. Stereotyping is labeling someone because of who they are or what they do. Stereotyping places negative views on groups and people. I am going to give you some information about how stereotyping effects high schools in today’s society. In schools’ you have â€Å"the loners,†â€Å"the jocks,†â€Å"the nerds,†â€Å"the mean girls,†â€Å"the losers,††¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Constant judgements from others and peer pressure from friends can cause teenagers to run into an identity crisis†(V ue, Pajai). Sometimes individuals will lie to themselves to be accepted by their peers. Fear can motivate teens to shape into the stereotype if they want to be liked by their friends. Instead of being himself, an individual can become what he is â€Å"said to be†by others. Stereotyping can take away an individual’s uniqueness. High school students face stereotypes and peer pressure daily and it can affect them in many ways. When being stereotyped, a teens behavior can change. A change in behavior can effect relationships with parents and other important relationships in their life. Teens can become resentful towards their parents if they make rules or consequences for their teens actions. Teens behaviors from being stereotyped can cause people not to trust them or cause others to follow in their paths. Students need to learn to embrace their uniqueness, ethnicity, and themselves instead of accepting the stereotypes attributed to them. it said â€Å"It puts labels about how a person should act or live according to their sex, race, personality, and other facts. This could affect individuals who perhaps like different things or do different activities, but feel ashamed of doing so because of stereotypes†(Stereotypes: A big problem in our modern society), which can make it hard for highShow MoreRelatedStereotyping : Stereotypes And Stereotyping1494 Words  | 6 PagesStereotyping In Education Stereotyping is when you treat people unfairly just because they have characteristics of a certain group (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In education stereotyping is something you come in touch with every single day, it is so common we don’t even know it is happening. In everyday life Stereotypes are used, they are directed towards ethnicity, gender, and education. â€Å"In ethnicity, we have the ideas that each race is a certain way†(Aronson. The impact of stereotypes). HereRead MoreStereotyping986 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Stereotyping In My essay I will discuss stereotyping and different types of stereotyping. I will discuss how in todays society people are stereotyped in different many ways. In today’s society, there are stereotypes for almost any groups that individuals belong to. At some point in any person’s life, they would have experienced stereotyping. For instance, it is often said that all African Americans are good at basketball, males are more aggressive than females, Lawyers are deceitful, and the listRead MoreStereotyping Is Bad For Kids And People979 Words  | 4 Pagesbut racism, sexism, and prejudice all summed up together making it a whole. Stereotyping is something that an individual acts upon someone that is weaker, lower status, or minors; furthermore, stereotyping can harm another person’s self-esteem, self-control, confidence, and performance in a task (Robles, 2012). Another problem is that stereotyping is almost everywhere like the work industry, schools, and familie s. Stereotyping is something that needs to be stopped and the person needs to change theirRead MoreStereotyping Is Inevitable, By James Baldwin1717 Words  | 7 PagesStereotyping is inevitable, we all do it ad we all experience it, but this does not mean it does not effect us. Stereotypes are all around us. They effect the way we think about ourselves and the way we think about the people around us. Stereotyping leads us to act certain ways and treat people certain ways. At times it can be beneficial to a certain group, but may bring many disadvantages to others. Many times stereotypes limit us and restricting our success in life. In â€Å"A Letter to My Nephew,†Read MoreStereotyping And Its Effects On The Workplace987 Words  | 4 Pageslearned the how individuals perceive people in their workplace. One of the ways people perceive people is stereotypes. Stereotypes is a way of judging someone by basing their perception on the group that they belong. Stereotyping is a shortcut for judging others. The problem with stereotyping is that it is a worldwide issue that includes widespread generalizations that may not be true when applied to a certain individual or situation. Stereotypes can influence individual’s decision making significantlyRead MoreGender Stereotyping And Gender Stereotypes848 Words  | 4 PagesGender stereotyping is one of the most controversial topics in the field of education. Professionals are constantly trying to find efficient and effective ways to monitor not only teachers and administrators, but the students as well, to be sure that gender stereotyping and gender biases are kept to the minimum within the school environment. With the goal of neither gender biases nor gender stereotyping in the school system, higher educational professionals constantly seek and research to find waysRead MoreStereotyping : Can We Prevent Stereotypes?1557 Words  | 7 PagesStereotyping is one of the few activities that must be preve nted at all costs, due to the fact that it brews rage and hatred amongst the people in our daily society. First things first, Stereotyping is basically a belief of a certain group of people, for example, all African-Americans are excellent in sport activities. Stereotype is similar, but not the same, to prejudice, the feeling of a person based off of their social status , and discrimination, the action of treating others different basedRead MoreFeminist Theory Essay1199 Words  | 5 Pagessubsidiary roles in the society. The whole idea of feminism has however experienced hurdles in the form of stereotyping by the wider society. This paper tries to examine some of the effects of stereotypes that feminism goes through, what other philosophers say and the way forward towards ending stereotyping. To begin with, according to many philosophers, it would be wise to argue that stereotyping on feminism especially by men is not based on their biological make up but rather on their culture. CultureRead MoreStereotyping and its Negative Health Effects Essay1434 Words  | 6 Pagesalready have impacted a person’s life by potentially lowering their self-esteem, reducing work habits, or even dropping their health. When stereotyping someone, you need to take into account the damage you could be causing them. Stereotyping is a cruel way to base opinions on people because it can negatively affect their physical and mental health. By stereotyping someone you take away their sense of self being and isolate them into new category. As humans, we can’t survive off of isolation, and weRead MoreEssay about The Rotten Apple1131 Words  | 5 Pagesgreat debate about stereotyping. Its amazing how many people underestimate the negative effects of stereotyping. When you relate someone to a stereotype, you are basically taking away their individuality. For example, it is due to stereotypes that there’s a prevalent feeling of black people being athletic and not academic, and Chinese people being the opposite. Lets say youre a Chinese kid in high school. Through no fault of your own, others expectations of you in school are higher than those
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brief Note On Ischemic Heart Disease - 893 Words
Juliet Anosike Med Terminology 178 ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE Ischemic Heart Disease, also known as Coronary Artery Disease, is a condition that affects the supply of blood to the heart. The blood vessels are narrowed or blocked due to the deposition of cholesterol on their walls. This reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscles, which is essential for proper functioning of the heart. This may eventually result in a portion of the heart being suddenly deprived of its blood supply leading to the death of that area of heart tissue, resulting in a heart attack. As the heart is the pump that supplies oxygenated blood to the various organs, any defect in the heart immediately affects the supply of oxygen to the vital organs like the brain, kidneys, liver, etc. This leads to the death of tissue within these organs and their eventual failure. Ischemic Heart Disease is the most common cause of death in many countries around the world. CAUSES OF ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE1,2 The major risk factors are smoking, diabetes mellitus and cholesterol levels. Those with Hypercholesterolemia have a much higher tendency to develop the disease. Hypertension is also a risk factor in the development of Ischemic Heart Disease Genetic and hereditary factors may also be responsible for the disease. Stress is also thought to be a risk factor. ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE PREVENTION1,2: Fatty diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and stress should be avoided, as they are the main causes ofShow MoreRelatedThe Medical Team, Inc.1040 Words  | 5 Pagespatients general health out come. It was a great privilege for me to get clinical experience with the Cardio and COPD care team. As the name implies most of the clients are Chronic Heart Failure (CHF), Chronic Obetsruticve Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and diabetes’s patients. During my first visit to the office after brief discussion with the agency manager I met my Cardio and CHF teams and had preliminary discussion on the main responsibilities and work program of the day. After twenty minutes discussionRead MoreSTUDY GUIDE: EXAM 4 Essay1797 Words  | 8 PagesCardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems, pp. 1091-1141. 1. Automaticity of the Heart, pp.1103. or the property of generating spontaneous depolarization to threshold, enables the SA and AV nodes to generate cardiac action potentials without any stimulus. Cells cable of spontaneous depolarization are called automatic cells. The automatic cells of the cardiac conduction system can stimulate the heart to beat even when the heart is removed from the body. Spontaneous depolarization is possible in automaticRead MoreThe Failure Of Heart Failure2760 Words  | 12 PagesCongestive heart failure, also called heart failure or CHF, is one of the fastest-growing syndromes in the United States and worldwide. It is a condition with high hospitalization and high mortality rates as well as a compound medical regimen that significantly affects the patient’s lifestyle and that of their family. The term alone, â€Å"heart failure†, is enough to scare the bravest client and cause the rise of numberless concerns and questions. Patients may worry and exclaim, â€Å"Did my heart stop workingRead MoreMyocardial Infaraction6192 Words  | 25 Pageseffects that involve renal sodium transport to nongenomic effects that are independent of the effect of aldosterone on sodium transport. The nongenomic effects of aldosterone to increase fibrosis, collagen deposition, inflammation, and remodeling of the heart and blood vessels, however, are markedly increased in the presence of high sodium intake. The genomic effect of aldosterone increases renal sodium transport, but the administration of large doses of aldosterone to normal individuals does not causeRead MoreJessicaHauge1 Assignment Unit92219 Words  | 9 Pages-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATIENT NAME: Eldon Drake MEDICAL RECORD: 8888888 DATE OF BIRTH: 12/25/19XX DATE OF ADMISSION: 08/01/2013 PROGRESS NOTE HISTORY: Eldon Drake is an 85-year-old Caucasian male who was brought to the hospital via an ambulance and subsequently admitted to the hospital on 08/01/2013 for fever and confusion. Mr. Drake was in his usual state of good health until 3 days beforeRead MoreCase Study Essay33967 Words  | 136 PagesPART ONE Medical-Surgical Cases 1 1 Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study 1 Heart Failure Difficulty: Beginning Setting: Emergency department, hospital Index Words: heart failure (HF), cardiomyopathy, volume overload, quality of life X Scenario M.G., a â€Å"frequent flier,†is admitted to the emergency department (ED) with a diagnosis of heart failure (HF). She was discharged from the hospital 10 days ago and comes in today stating, â€Å"I just had to come to the hospital today because IRead MoreMyocardil Effusion4228 Words  | 17 Pagesconfidentiality, in accordance with NMC (2008) code of conduct, the name of the patient will be changed to Peter and the placement area will remain as an acute care setting. According to McFerran (2008) the term â€Å"acute†is described as a disease of rapid onset, severe symptoms, and brief duration. Acute Care refers to riding at a crossroads of coming sharply to a crisis; severe, not chronic (Allen, 2000). Acute problems may appear precipitously, striking a totally unsuspecting victim. Nurses must quickly detectRead MoreThe Potential Benefits Of Adjuvant Therapy3460 Words  | 14 Pages. In addition to patient perspectives on their treatment options and findings from a brief GA, a further consideration in estimating potential benefits of adjuvant therapy is the patient’s estimated life expectancy, to determine whether they are likely to live long enough to benefit from the treatment. Chronologic age is an integral component of such estimates; however, it is by no means a sufficient consideration. As our two clinical cases illustrate, two 70 year old breast cancer patients can haveRead MorePathogram: Chronic Respiratory Failure Essays 7624 Words  | 31 PagesCare |Assessment |Medical/Nursing Diagnoses |Treatment | |Brief review of the patient |Medical Diagnoses: |Therapeutic Modalities | |Age: 86 years old Read MoreOrganization Structure of Yashoda Hospital5398 Words  | 22 PagesWe interacted with the medical and administrative staff to collect data about the functioning of the various departments that function smoothly at the hospital. We were introduced these departments by the respective department heads who gave us a brief overview of the various aspects involved in Human Resource Management, Hospital Management, Credit And Billing, Medical Records and Laboratories. Our periodic visits to these departments helped us in having firsthand information about the departments
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Seniors and Driving Essay Example For Students
Seniors and Driving Essay Courtney Caldwell, a writer for Road and Travel Magazine, stated in one of her articles that, My mother, insisted her driving skills were as sharp as ever. However, after a few life-threatening trips to the grocery store as her passenger, I knew she had to stop driving. She was driving dangerously close to the curb, her reaction time was poor and she was missing stop signs and traffic lights. Her driving was so bad that I forbade my 32-year-old adult daughter to ever ride as a passenger with her. ( Ms. Caldwell is referring to her mother, an elderly widow, who must drive, as she has no other means of transportation. In America today, more and more people are driving each day. Currently, there are more cars on the road now, then at any point in Americas past. With all of this new traffic, more and more accidents occur everyday. The group second most responsible for these accidents is the group of drivers age fifty-five and older. Currently these people make up twenty five per cent of the driving population, and account for eighteen per cent of current auto accidents. ( With all of these accidents, there is still no restrictions or limitations placed on a person, age fifty-five and overs license. It is my opinion that, at the least, restrictions should be placed on licenses for all people age fifty-five and older. Currently across the United States, there are very few laws regarding the elderly and driving. In Florida a new law states that people over the age of sixty-five must pass a road test. Florida is the only state to implement such a measure. With the exception of Florida, every other state still puts its elderly drivers at risk. John Nelson the president of the American medical association said that, A woman in her eighties in good health may be a safer driver than her twenty year old grandson who happened to be on pain medication for an injury.( As we age, our bodies age too, and as a result of that we lose some of the most important senses that we use to drive. The most important sense to drivers is vision. More then fifty per cent of people age fifty-five and older have some sort of problem with their eyesight.( These problems can make it difficult to see at night, and it can cause them to have difficulty judging distances. Another useful sense that older people be gin to loose is the since of sound. Almost thirty per cent of people aged sixty five have impaired hearing.( The sense of hearing allows us to hear important warning sounds, like the honking of a horn, or a siren. Hearing helps us to be aware of our surroundings while on the road. Without these two senses being functional, the senior driver is not only a danger to himself but to others as well. With age, not only do our senses detioriate, but our ability to survive an accident decreases as well. Simply stated, car accidents are more dangerous for older people then they are for younger people. A person 65 or older who is involved in a car accident is more likely to be seriously hurt, more likely to require hospitalization, and more likely to die than younger people involved in the same crash. In particular, fatal crash rates rise sharply after a driver has reached the age of 70.( This is especially proven true, in Florida state, were out of 15,000 auto accidents, three hundred seniors were killed. The above information is horrifying. Something needs to be done to save our senior citizens. One such solution is to put restrictions on the licenses of the drivers who are aged fifty-five and older. Restrictions should put limits on the times senior citizens can drive at. They should not be able to drive at night, since most senior citizens have poor night vision, and they should not be allowed to drive during rush hour, since that is when traffic is heaviest. Limits should also be put on the maximum distance a senior can drive in a certain time period. Regular medical checkups should also be required to test the visual and hearing abilities of the senior. Although this idea would protect the senior citizens, it would limit their mobility. Limiting their driving could possibly prevent a senior citizen from getting to a doctors appointment, or it could stop them from going to a pharmacy to pick up necessary medication. This is an even bigger problem. There are however, many solutions to help maintain senior mobility. One such solution is expanding the capabilities of the senior citizen access-a-ride program. This would give transportation to senior citizens in need of it. Senior citizens could also use public transportation, like the bus, or the subway system. Private transportation like taxis and livery cabs are also available to them. .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 , .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .postImageUrl , .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 , .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:hover , .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:visited , .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:active { border:0!important; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:active , .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9 .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u879fa5bea3f4955a2aac2a27361ae9b9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Manganese EssayThe only problem to above mentioned transportation modes, is that they all cost money. An increase in transportation systems, like access-a-ride would call for an increase in taxes to help cover the expenses of the program. With constantly rising fairs of the bus and subway systems, public transportation is becoming more and more costly. Taxis and Livery cabs are the most expensive of the three. With more and more senior citizens living on fixed incomes, they cant always afford to pay these expensive public transportation premiums. The only way of solving this problem is by having higher taxes, which people arent always willing to pay. Alternatives to automa tic license restrictions at age fifty-five do exist. One such alternative to this idea is AARPs 55 ALIVE program. 55 ALIVE was founded in 1979 as a defensive driving course for older people. Not only does it teach defensive driving techniques, but it also teaches age-related physical changes, their effect on driving, and how to adjust to those changes. The program is currently accepted in thirty-six states as well as the District of Columbia. This program is gradually gaining acceptance. This is because states are begging to mandatory insurance discount laws. If a person satisfactorily completes the course then the person is entitled to an insurance discount. Currently the program has almost ten thousand volunteer teachers. Each year over 700,000 people take the course. Numerous evaluations by government entities as well as insurance companies were conducted on the program throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Most of the research showed a strong and statistically significant correlation of the course to reductions in traffic violations. The relation of the course to actual reduction in crashes, in most cases, was not statistically significant. However, self-reports by program participants have indicated behavior change, with 4 out of 5 graduates reporting that they adjusted their driving behavior as a result of taking the class.( this program might be successful at teaching senior citizens how to abide by the traffic law, that is all it does. It still does not prevent senior citizens from getting into accidents. As more and more drivers are on the road each day, we need to be ever cautious of our fellow drivers. One such group of drivers is those who are aged fifty-five and older. Since they are getting older, their ability to drive safely has diminished. Senior citizens are also more likely to be severely injured or killed in an auto accident. By age, they are the second biggest accident group. Studies have proved that the 55 ALIVE driver-training programs were not effective in reducing the number of traffic crashes. Therefore, license restrictions are the answer. The times of day that senior citizens drive and the distances they can drive should be limited. Senior citizens that choose to continue driving should also be made to undergo routine medical exams to test their vision and hearing. An attempt should also be made to expand the ability and lower the cost of public transportation. By doing this, we can protect the lives of our senior citizens, and reduce the number of accidents on the road.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review Essay Example
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review Paper Essay on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan I come. Had seen. And he bought. Of course, I did not, Gaius Julius Caesar, but can also be laid description is made in the minimum number of words. If a little more, then went to the store, I found examples. Surprisingly approached accurately and color and size, so bought without hesitation, although I like that I was not attracted, and even vice versa frightened. Although such known brand and I heard a lot about it for a long time. However, interest in the novels of British author Sophie Kinsella Confessions of a Shopaholic on awoke only after I watched the same film with Isla Fisher in the lead role. Yes, I know that many, reading a book, not like the movie, but I laugh heartily. Charming Rebecca Bloomwood, which merges all the time in history because of their passion for shopping, I was very pretty. In general, coming and theater, I decided to continue to follow the fate of the girl. Alarming one: the genre. Frankly, I do not like love stories and I do not read. But a funny and heartfelt book Sophie Kinsella turned out to be an exception. The first, The Secret World Shopaholic I really did not read, because the thought of the film will suffice. Beginning immediately with the second Shopaholic Takes Manhattan » We will write a custom essay sample on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So, Rebecca Bloomwood again vlipla in history due to the immense love shopping.. Who would doubt that? ! Mania is not so easy to win The poor girl almost lost all that she had: her lover, work, and even respect. Many in her place would have fallen into despair and even, perhaps, would have tried to take their own lives. But not Rebecca Bloomwood. Optimism this girl can envy But it is not necessary, because, having read this book, and himself of optimism, so spoil yourself rotten blood that feeling just will not need to. the novel is written of fun, humor and just breathes optimism in short, it has everything that I appreciate in books. Of course, this is not serious literature, and Stay, but it is so uplifting! And most importantly, many women may find themselves in Rebecca. After shopping in E window-shop terribly interesting, and to buy generally high. For example, the clothes, well, or something else. The point preference. But in any case, as well please yourself some shopping! Especially, if the mood is poor In general, describing Shopaholic, Sophie Kinsella hit the bulls-eye. All very accurately and with humor. I was just in size. Be sure to read the rest of the books in this series, but for now declare a break But first I want to add one thing: if you feel sad, read about the adventures of Becky Bloomwood. Smile and sure problems will forget, at least for a while. And then, when you remember again, they seem no longer so intractable, because laughter the best medicine A small biographical spravochka Sophie Kinsella a pseudonym of British writer Madeleine Wickham (Yeah Thats the answer! why the same author publishes books under two different names!). the writer was born in London in 1970. She studied music at Oxford, New College, but after a year switched to political science, philosophy and economics and became two years the best on the course. Sophia Kinsella worked as a teacher and financial journalist. Then, together with her husband, a former opera singer, she has participated as an accompanist in the concert tours of the Middle East and Africa. At 24, while still working in journalism, she wrote her first novel, Tennis Party, published under her real name. Later publishing Black Swan has published six of her novels. This same writer sent the publisher a new novel it was The Secret World of a Shopaholic, was released in 2000 under the name Sophia Kinsella. It was followed by others in this series Confessions of a Shopaholic Abroad (2001) and Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (2002), Confessions of a Shopaholic and the marriage bond (2002), Confessions of a Shopaholic (2003), Confessions of a Shopaholic and Sister ( 2004), which became bestsellers. The fact that the author of these novels it is well known, publishing learned only when Kinsella-Wickham brought them the novel And you know how to keep a secret?, Which was released in 2004. How did the Becky Bloomwood Sophie Kinsella: I used to spend the money and felt an attack of amnesia every month when they learned payable by VISA card. This prompted me to create a character. I said, What is this? What am I looking at? I do not remember that I came to the store and bought this thing. This is the most complete denial that affects every one of us. I said to her husband: I never even came into the shop, what they talk about? And he replied: Do you remember when you bought that thing over there?. And then I get a bad feeling. Heres where to start, Becky this crazy girl who loves shopping. I saw the comedy potential. In many ways, inspiring ideas, I drew out his ideas about shopping, about what kind of intrigue and excitement, he is accompanied by Taken from the site -. Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review Essay Example Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review Paper Essay on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan To begin with, that the reading of this work is not in the best period of my life. And once again convinced of the correctness of the sayings Vishnevsky, a book that can be a bandage and plaster. So it was fun to dip along with Becky in the mysterious and magical world of New York City. would never have thought that such a seemingly easy reading as Shopaholic Takes Manhattan will be able to teach me anything. But it turns out, you never know what a book can be useful for you. This work has reopened to me simple and banal truth, which, unfortunately, we sometimes forget: to never give up, in any situation you can always go out with dignity, important not to give up Of course, Sophie. Kinsella pleased with its delicate, graceful sense of humor. I think if I myself suffered shopomaniey, read a book it would be even more interesting and fun Frankly, I was a little taken the example of the main character:. Why not buy a couple of new things to set the mood? The main thing is that it does not become a disease, like Becky. Frankly, I was even sorry for her. But it is well done, with everything handled. Throughout this book, I truly felt for her. And it is certainly merit a talented author. Be sure to read the rest of the Shopaholic » We will write a custom essay sample on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer  «Confessions of a Shopaholic on Mehettene In the future -. a book that is read in one breath and is designed for a wide range of readers. I think it has to please everyone. Especially to representatives of weaker sex. While reading this book, you realize that the so-called weak sex is not weak. Chur, sales in supermarkets in the calculation did not take. This wonderful book gives a bright, positive emotions. The only negative that reading it in public transport I almost drove my stop However, to me this is not the first time. In general, if you feel sad and lonely on a cold winter evening, the Confessions of a Shopaholic on Manhetenne - the best remedy for improving your mood !
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on History Of Italy
THE HISTORY OF ITALY Italy, history of since earliest times the history of Italy has been influenced by cultural and political divisions resulting from the peninsula's disparate geography and by circumstances that made Italy the scene of many of Europe's most important struggles for power. EARLY ITALY Recent excavations throughout Italy and Sicily have revealed evidence of human activity during the Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods. By the beginning of the Neolithic period (c.5000 BC), the small communities of hunters of earlier times had been replaced by agricultural settlements, with some stock breeding and widespread use of stone implements and pottery. Painted vessels that seem to have been influenced by contemporary styles in Greece have been found at Castellaro Vecchio on the island of Lipari. The Bronze Age By 2000 BC new immigrants from the east had introduced metalworking into southern Italy and Sicily; the northern Italian Polada culture of the same period left evidence of strong links with cultures north of the Alps. During the Bronze Age (c.1800-1000 BC), much of central and southern Italy had a unified culture known as the Apennine, characterized by large agricultural and pastoral settlements; on the southeastern coast and in Sicily evidence indicates trading contacts with the Mycenaeans. After c.1500 BC, in the Po Valley to the north, the terramara culturewith its villages constructed on wooden piles, its advanced techniques of bronze working, and its cremation ritesrose to prominence. By the time of the introduction of iron into Italy (c.1000 BC), regional variations were well established. The Etruscans The diverse cultural patterns of the early Iron Age were further complicated in the late 8th century BC by the arrival of Greek colonizers in the south and in Sicily and by the appearance of the ETRUSCANS in central Italy and the Po Valley. Historians generally agree that Etruscan culture was the resu... Free Essays on History Of Italy Free Essays on History Of Italy THE HISTORY OF ITALY Italy, history of since earliest times the history of Italy has been influenced by cultural and political divisions resulting from the peninsula's disparate geography and by circumstances that made Italy the scene of many of Europe's most important struggles for power. EARLY ITALY Recent excavations throughout Italy and Sicily have revealed evidence of human activity during the Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods. By the beginning of the Neolithic period (c.5000 BC), the small communities of hunters of earlier times had been replaced by agricultural settlements, with some stock breeding and widespread use of stone implements and pottery. Painted vessels that seem to have been influenced by contemporary styles in Greece have been found at Castellaro Vecchio on the island of Lipari. The Bronze Age By 2000 BC new immigrants from the east had introduced metalworking into southern Italy and Sicily; the northern Italian Polada culture of the same period left evidence of strong links with cultures north of the Alps. During the Bronze Age (c.1800-1000 BC), much of central and southern Italy had a unified culture known as the Apennine, characterized by large agricultural and pastoral settlements; on the southeastern coast and in Sicily evidence indicates trading contacts with the Mycenaeans. After c.1500 BC, in the Po Valley to the north, the terramara culturewith its villages constructed on wooden piles, its advanced techniques of bronze working, and its cremation ritesrose to prominence. By the time of the introduction of iron into Italy (c.1000 BC), regional variations were well established. The Etruscans The diverse cultural patterns of the early Iron Age were further complicated in the late 8th century BC by the arrival of Greek colonizers in the south and in Sicily and by the appearance of the ETRUSCANS in central Italy and the Po Valley. Historians generally agree that Etruscan culture was the resu...
Friday, February 21, 2020
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 17
History - Essay Example n the widening of the gap between the haves and the have-nots, which in turn results to an increase in levels of crime in the form of drug trafficking and abuse, and theft and burglary among other criminal activities. Politically, oil affects society as the ruling elite strive to acquire and sustain control of oil wells or the oil business, and make political decisions in such a way that the supply of oil would not be affected negatively. This essay reviews the role of oil in determining the social, political and economic history of the United States over the years since the 1970s to the present. In 1973, the United States government decided to supply the Israeli military with artillery and other war requirements during the Yom Kippur war. This stirred a response by the Arab country members of the OPEC who withdrew from the organisation that was the primary oil producer at the time (Pelletià ¨re 140). The United States took the blame for disrupting oil supply and creating the possibility of high prices of oil and a possible recession, which resulted in tensed relationship with other countries. These countries included some European countries and Japan, all of whom took measures that could have cut ties with the United States. Moreover, Regan lost the presidency to Bush owing to his poor policies when the country needed him, especially by opting to commit resources to fight communism instead of fighting poverty back home. This shortage of oil had an economic role in the stock market crash of 1973 to 1974, which resulted in loss of investments in the stock market. When the Arab countries realised the impact that oil shortage had on the world, they decided to practise price control measures, which resulted in a sustained increases of prices in the United States over the years. This resulted in an increasing price of goods and services, and resulted to deterioration of living standards in the United States, which mostly affected the poor and minorities with the
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Intentional & Unintentional Socialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Intentional & Unintentional Socialization - Essay Example This affect the person’s development of how their self-concept, how they feel, how they think, and how they act. Hence, socialization may be intentional and unintentional. Intentional socialization is the acquiring of social experience which is done on purpose. This happens â€Å"when adults have certain values that they consistently convey explicitly to the child, and when they back these up with approval for compliance and negative consequences for noncompliance†(Berns). Take for an instance the potty training that a child receives. Reminding the child continuously on how to use the toilet for urination and defecation makes the child aware that there is a proper place to do it. Another example is an adult reminding the child on not talking to strangers. The consistent reminder will let the child learn that it is not proper to talk to a person that you do not know because that person may hurt him or her. Also, an adult reminding a child to brush his teeth three times a day gives the child the impression of the importance of oral hygiene. The negative reinforcement of hitting or embarrassing the child when he/she did not do it right or giving positive reinforcement when he did it right makes it easier for him to remember these. On the other hand, unintentional socialization is acquired more as â€Å"the product of involvement in human interaction or observation†(Berns). For example, when a child sees his parents fighting, he might take it as if it is okay to shout at each other during a conversation. Another instance is that when a child sees that an adult smokes frequently, he may perceive smoking as good for the health. Moreover, the child will have the instinct to do it when he reaches the same age. Also, if a child is the only girl born in the family, she might have the tendency to resemble the look of his boy siblings, choosing more loose pair of jeans and clothes. So to say, the development of human personality is influenced
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Detente Was Caused By Political And Economic Motivations History Essay
Detente Was Caused By Political And Economic Motivations History Essay In the context of the Cold War, dà ©tente (the French word for relaxation) was an easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. It lasted through the 1970s, starting with the Nixon administration and ending with the Carter administration. Dà ©tente was mainly caused by political and economic motivations. The Sino-Soviet Split strained relations between the Soviet Union and China, the two largest Communist countries at the time. As China began to form a more diplomatic relationship with the United States, evidenced by President Nixons visit to China in 1972, the USSR feared that an alliance between the two countries would undermine its power, prompting it to seek amicable relations with the United States as well. Economic motivations were also a factor. Before dà ©tente, both the US and the USSR stockpiled weapons to keep on par with the other it was believed that Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) could be averted only if both countries had the same nuclear capability. However, nuclear arms buildup was proving to be more and more unfeasible for both countries. In the United States, a combination of arms buildup and the Vietnam War strained the federal budget and stifled President Johnson and Nixons domestic policy of the expanding social welfare. Naturally, dà ©tente led to greater cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Probably the most significant act of cooperation between the two countries was the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (dubbed SALT I) of 1972, an agreement that limited nuclear arms production for both countries. During the same year, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty limited systems that defended against Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). The Apollo-Soyuz project in July 1975 was a space flight cooperative between the two countries, where American astronauts worked collaboratively alongside Russian cosmonauts on scientific experiments. The project eased Space Race tensions and provided a foundation for future space cooperatives such as the International Space Station. Cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union also extended economically, as the US shipped grain to the USSR after the failure of its collectivized agriculture program, where the state controlled large conglomerate farms. Unfortunately, however, dà ©tente was abandoned by the 1980s. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan forced President Jimmy Carter to abandon the SALT II talks that were in progress and to increase US military spending. President Reagan continued the increase of Cold War tensions throughout his presidency, until the collapse of the Soviet Union by the end of the 1980s. Diogenes -412 BCE to 323 BCE -Greek Philosopher, co-founder of Cynic philosophy -Life -Born in Sinope, a Greek colony -Worked with father as a banker, exiled for defacing currency -Traveled to Greece and made a personal goal of challenging the status quo -Became the pupil of the ascetic Antisthenes, who was a pupil of Socrates -Captured by pirates on his way to Aegina; sold to the Corinthian Xeniades; tutored Xeniades sons and lived in Corinth for the rest of his life -Divergent stories of his death: held his breath, infection from a dog bite, complications from eating a raw octopus; supposedly, he left instructions to be cast outside the wall of the city after he died so that animals could eat his carcass -Philosophy -None of his written works survive; anecdotes about his life provide the source for his philosophy -Protested against the artificial material comforts of society and called for a return to a simplistic life in harmony with nature -Obscene: urinated and defecated and masturbated in public -Called himself a citizen of the world, a cosmopolite, at an era where ones social standing was intimately tied with ones city-state. -Diogenes the Dog: -The word cynic is derived from the Greek word meaning dog -Living shamelessly -Extolled the dogs honest simple living and mocked the artifice and hypocrisy of civilized living -Anecdotes -Threw away his wooden bowl as a child so he could drink from his hands -Said to have lived in a tub -Walked with a lamp in broad daylight, as he was looking for humans -When Alexander asked him if there was a favor he wanted, he told Alexander to stand out of his sunlight Diogenes Diogenes was a Greek philosopher who lived from 412 BCE to 323 BCE. As a co-founder of the Cynic philosophy, he is famous for anecdotes of his asceticism and disregard for social conventions. Born in Sinope, a Greek colony, in his youth Diogenes worked with his father as a banker. He was exiled from the city after he was found complicit in a controversy surrounding the defacement of currency. After being exiled, he settled in Athens and made a personal commitment to challenge the status quo there. He subscribed to the ascetic philosophy of Antisthenes, who was a pupil of Socrates, and became his only pupil. At some point in time, he was captured by pirates on his way to visit the Greek city of Aegina. The pirates then sold him to a Corinthian man named Xeniades. Diogenes tutored Xeniades sons and lived in Corinth for the rest of his life. There are multiple accounts of his death: he either died by holding his breath, by an infection from a dog bite, or from complications after eating raw octopus. Supposedly, he left instructions to be cast outside the wall of the city after he died so that animals could eat his carcass. While it is believed that Diogenes had a respectable body of written work, none survive today; only anecdotes about his life provide the source for his philosophy. As a Cynic, he protested against the artificial material comforts of society and called for a return to a simplistic life in harmony with nature. In perhaps the most famous anecdote about Diogenes, Alexander the Great, awed by the great philosopher, asked him what favor could he do for him. Diogenes only asked Alexander to step away, for he was blocking the sunlight. During a time when success was measured in material gains, he lived in destitute poverty. It was said that, as a young boy, he cast away his wooden bowl so that he could drink from his hands. During a time when ones social standing was intimately tied with ones city-state, he called himself a citizen of the world a cosmopolite. As Diogenes lampooned the follies of man, he praised the virtues of the dog indeed, the word cynic is derived from the Greek word me aning dog. He himself was comparable to a dog, as he lived shamelessly he often defecated and urinated in public, much to the chagrin of the people around him. Because of his radical break from the traditions of his time, Diogenes is still well-remembered today. He is often seen as a symbol of truth and honesty an image of candid, if eccentric, simplicity against corrupt artificiality.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay
The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Identify the persons responsible for health and safety in the workplace. Roles are Responsibilities of Employers. Every employer should ensure, the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees. Bellow are the areas the employer should protect the employees from, without prejudice: * To provide and maintain areas of work that are, safe and without risks to health; * To ensure, minimal risk when, handling and transporting objects; * To provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure, the health and safety of their employees at work; * And to insure the place of work is maintained in a condition that is safe. Every employer needs to prepare and keep an up-to-date written statement of health and safety at work. They should also make sure all employees note the statement and, any revision of it. Roles are Responsibilities of Employees. Every employee while at work shall: * Take care for the health and safety of them self and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or actions at work; and * Co-operate with their employer or any other person in charge, to see that the requirement to be performed are meet with. Roles and Responsibilities of Management. The management’s main responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of workers and to reduce risks caused by work activities, to employees ...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Pancreatitis Medical Report Essay
Mr. Tabouya was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreas Divisum at birth. These diseases have caused the patient to have Gallstones which were found and removed by ERCP 2 years ago. During the administering of the procedure the physician discovered the patient to have a pancreatic pseudocyst. The treatment for this condition was drainage with an endoscope. The onset of Hypertension (high blood pressure) was detected in the patient 5 years ago and he has been taking Furosemide (lasix) since the detection. He has also been taking Azathioprine for help with his weak immune system and to aid his rheumatoid arthritis. The patient’s history also shows low levels of triglyceride and was diagnosed with Hypertriglyceridemia, and has a severe case of pancreatitis. The patient may have a history of alcoholism. Due to the patient being obese, blood tests were ordered and the findings of elevated levels of lipids and too much calcium were noticed. Therefore the diagnosis of hyperlipidemia and a reasonable recognition of hypercalcemia were established. Because of the new and pre-existing conditions another blood test was ordered to check the insulin levels. We determined there was a decreased level of insulin, along with a small increased level of blood amylase which is parallel to the lipase prognosis. This led us to the conclusion that the patient is suffering from severe pancreatitis. While using a Stethoscope to listen to the abdomen, the physician noticed no bowel sounds. After an abdominal CT scan was performed the patient was diagnosed with critical pancreatitis. Feasible complications involve infection in the pancreas and the onset of type II diabetes. Physician recommended a low fat diet, and prescribed oral pancreatic enzymes to help with the digestion process as well as insulin to regulate his blood sugar along with abstinence of alcohol. Surgery was mentioned to return the drainage of the pancreatic discharges.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Laramie Project Review Essay example - 1584 Words
A Death That Revealed the World’s Concealed View on Homosexuality The Laramie Project is a play written by Moises Kaufman and the members of Tectonic Theater Project. The play is based on the interviews of the citizens of Laramie about what’s happening in Laramie and their responses to the murder of Matthew. In addition to the various themes suggested by the play, the author wanted to present the varying perspectives toward homosexuality in the Laramie community at the time of Matthew’s death. The author also wanted to explore how these perspectives may have changed as the result of Matthew’s death. Even though the citizens of Laramie persisted that hate is not a value they practice, they still showed contrasting and puzzled views†¦show more content†¦Not all citizens of Laramie conveyed a negative view towards the LGBT community. Marge Murray, together with some of the citizens, gave a notion of live and let live towards homosexuals. Marge explai ns, As far as the gay issue, I don’t give a damn on one way or the other as long as they don’t bother me. And even if they did, I’d just say no thank you. And that’s the Attitude of most of the Laramie population. They might poke one if they were in a bar situation, you know, they had been drinking, they might actually smack one in the mouth, but they’d just walk away. Most of ’em, they would just say, ‘I don’t swing that way’ and whistle on about their business. Laramie is live and let live. (17) Marge talked about how the citizens of Laramie practice a philosophy that life goes on. There are times that they are bothered, and they exchange words and even physically hurt one another; but that’s it, they won’t hold a grudge on one another. After such argument or fight, they’ll just move on and live another day. Marge pointed out that they practice the same view toward view about homosexuality; they neither reject nor accept homosexual people. There are also some citizens of Laramie that showed acceptance towards homosexuals. Father Roger Schmit was one of them; he showed compassion and conveyed such resistance to violenceShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Laramie Project1907 Words  | 8 Pages The Laramie Project, written by Moisà ©s Kaufman, is a compilation of interviews by The Tectonic Theater Project, news publications, and journal entries. After the brutal murder of Mathew Sheppard in 1998. Kaufman along with his theater troupe made six visits to Laramie, Wyoming, where the murder took place, to interview people about what happened and how they felt about the crime in their community. They interviewed about two hundred people, of which about sixty were included in the play. 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