Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Detente Was Caused By Political And Economic Motivations History Essay
Detente Was Caused By Political And Economic Motivations History Essay In the context of the Cold War, dà ©tente (the French word for relaxation) was an easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. It lasted through the 1970s, starting with the Nixon administration and ending with the Carter administration. Dà ©tente was mainly caused by political and economic motivations. The Sino-Soviet Split strained relations between the Soviet Union and China, the two largest Communist countries at the time. As China began to form a more diplomatic relationship with the United States, evidenced by President Nixons visit to China in 1972, the USSR feared that an alliance between the two countries would undermine its power, prompting it to seek amicable relations with the United States as well. Economic motivations were also a factor. Before dà ©tente, both the US and the USSR stockpiled weapons to keep on par with the other it was believed that Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) could be averted only if both countries had the same nuclear capability. However, nuclear arms buildup was proving to be more and more unfeasible for both countries. In the United States, a combination of arms buildup and the Vietnam War strained the federal budget and stifled President Johnson and Nixons domestic policy of the expanding social welfare. Naturally, dà ©tente led to greater cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Probably the most significant act of cooperation between the two countries was the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (dubbed SALT I) of 1972, an agreement that limited nuclear arms production for both countries. During the same year, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty limited systems that defended against Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). The Apollo-Soyuz project in July 1975 was a space flight cooperative between the two countries, where American astronauts worked collaboratively alongside Russian cosmonauts on scientific experiments. The project eased Space Race tensions and provided a foundation for future space cooperatives such as the International Space Station. Cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union also extended economically, as the US shipped grain to the USSR after the failure of its collectivized agriculture program, where the state controlled large conglomerate farms. Unfortunately, however, dà ©tente was abandoned by the 1980s. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan forced President Jimmy Carter to abandon the SALT II talks that were in progress and to increase US military spending. President Reagan continued the increase of Cold War tensions throughout his presidency, until the collapse of the Soviet Union by the end of the 1980s. Diogenes -412 BCE to 323 BCE -Greek Philosopher, co-founder of Cynic philosophy -Life -Born in Sinope, a Greek colony -Worked with father as a banker, exiled for defacing currency -Traveled to Greece and made a personal goal of challenging the status quo -Became the pupil of the ascetic Antisthenes, who was a pupil of Socrates -Captured by pirates on his way to Aegina; sold to the Corinthian Xeniades; tutored Xeniades sons and lived in Corinth for the rest of his life -Divergent stories of his death: held his breath, infection from a dog bite, complications from eating a raw octopus; supposedly, he left instructions to be cast outside the wall of the city after he died so that animals could eat his carcass -Philosophy -None of his written works survive; anecdotes about his life provide the source for his philosophy -Protested against the artificial material comforts of society and called for a return to a simplistic life in harmony with nature -Obscene: urinated and defecated and masturbated in public -Called himself a citizen of the world, a cosmopolite, at an era where ones social standing was intimately tied with ones city-state. -Diogenes the Dog: -The word cynic is derived from the Greek word meaning dog -Living shamelessly -Extolled the dogs honest simple living and mocked the artifice and hypocrisy of civilized living -Anecdotes -Threw away his wooden bowl as a child so he could drink from his hands -Said to have lived in a tub -Walked with a lamp in broad daylight, as he was looking for humans -When Alexander asked him if there was a favor he wanted, he told Alexander to stand out of his sunlight Diogenes Diogenes was a Greek philosopher who lived from 412 BCE to 323 BCE. As a co-founder of the Cynic philosophy, he is famous for anecdotes of his asceticism and disregard for social conventions. Born in Sinope, a Greek colony, in his youth Diogenes worked with his father as a banker. He was exiled from the city after he was found complicit in a controversy surrounding the defacement of currency. After being exiled, he settled in Athens and made a personal commitment to challenge the status quo there. He subscribed to the ascetic philosophy of Antisthenes, who was a pupil of Socrates, and became his only pupil. At some point in time, he was captured by pirates on his way to visit the Greek city of Aegina. The pirates then sold him to a Corinthian man named Xeniades. Diogenes tutored Xeniades sons and lived in Corinth for the rest of his life. There are multiple accounts of his death: he either died by holding his breath, by an infection from a dog bite, or from complications after eating raw octopus. Supposedly, he left instructions to be cast outside the wall of the city after he died so that animals could eat his carcass. While it is believed that Diogenes had a respectable body of written work, none survive today; only anecdotes about his life provide the source for his philosophy. As a Cynic, he protested against the artificial material comforts of society and called for a return to a simplistic life in harmony with nature. In perhaps the most famous anecdote about Diogenes, Alexander the Great, awed by the great philosopher, asked him what favor could he do for him. Diogenes only asked Alexander to step away, for he was blocking the sunlight. During a time when success was measured in material gains, he lived in destitute poverty. It was said that, as a young boy, he cast away his wooden bowl so that he could drink from his hands. During a time when ones social standing was intimately tied with ones city-state, he called himself a citizen of the world a cosmopolite. As Diogenes lampooned the follies of man, he praised the virtues of the dog indeed, the word cynic is derived from the Greek word me aning dog. He himself was comparable to a dog, as he lived shamelessly he often defecated and urinated in public, much to the chagrin of the people around him. Because of his radical break from the traditions of his time, Diogenes is still well-remembered today. He is often seen as a symbol of truth and honesty an image of candid, if eccentric, simplicity against corrupt artificiality.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay
The Persons Responsible for Health and Safety in the Workplace Identify the persons responsible for health and safety in the workplace. Roles are Responsibilities of Employers. Every employer should ensure, the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees. Bellow are the areas the employer should protect the employees from, without prejudice: * To provide and maintain areas of work that are, safe and without risks to health; * To ensure, minimal risk when, handling and transporting objects; * To provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure, the health and safety of their employees at work; * And to insure the place of work is maintained in a condition that is safe. Every employer needs to prepare and keep an up-to-date written statement of health and safety at work. They should also make sure all employees note the statement and, any revision of it. Roles are Responsibilities of Employees. Every employee while at work shall: * Take care for the health and safety of them self and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or actions at work; and * Co-operate with their employer or any other person in charge, to see that the requirement to be performed are meet with. Roles and Responsibilities of Management. The management’s main responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of workers and to reduce risks caused by work activities, to employees ...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Pancreatitis Medical Report Essay
Mr. Tabouya was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis and Pancreas Divisum at birth. These diseases have caused the patient to have Gallstones which were found and removed by ERCP 2 years ago. During the administering of the procedure the physician discovered the patient to have a pancreatic pseudocyst. The treatment for this condition was drainage with an endoscope. The onset of Hypertension (high blood pressure) was detected in the patient 5 years ago and he has been taking Furosemide (lasix) since the detection. He has also been taking Azathioprine for help with his weak immune system and to aid his rheumatoid arthritis. The patient’s history also shows low levels of triglyceride and was diagnosed with Hypertriglyceridemia, and has a severe case of pancreatitis. The patient may have a history of alcoholism. Due to the patient being obese, blood tests were ordered and the findings of elevated levels of lipids and too much calcium were noticed. Therefore the diagnosis of hyperlipidemia and a reasonable recognition of hypercalcemia were established. Because of the new and pre-existing conditions another blood test was ordered to check the insulin levels. We determined there was a decreased level of insulin, along with a small increased level of blood amylase which is parallel to the lipase prognosis. This led us to the conclusion that the patient is suffering from severe pancreatitis. While using a Stethoscope to listen to the abdomen, the physician noticed no bowel sounds. After an abdominal CT scan was performed the patient was diagnosed with critical pancreatitis. Feasible complications involve infection in the pancreas and the onset of type II diabetes. Physician recommended a low fat diet, and prescribed oral pancreatic enzymes to help with the digestion process as well as insulin to regulate his blood sugar along with abstinence of alcohol. Surgery was mentioned to return the drainage of the pancreatic discharges.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Laramie Project Review Essay example - 1584 Words
A Death That Revealed the World’s Concealed View on Homosexuality The Laramie Project is a play written by Moises Kaufman and the members of Tectonic Theater Project. The play is based on the interviews of the citizens of Laramie about what’s happening in Laramie and their responses to the murder of Matthew. In addition to the various themes suggested by the play, the author wanted to present the varying perspectives toward homosexuality in the Laramie community at the time of Matthew’s death. The author also wanted to explore how these perspectives may have changed as the result of Matthew’s death. Even though the citizens of Laramie persisted that hate is not a value they practice, they still showed contrasting and puzzled views†¦show more content†¦Not all citizens of Laramie conveyed a negative view towards the LGBT community. Marge Murray, together with some of the citizens, gave a notion of live and let live towards homosexuals. Marge explai ns, As far as the gay issue, I don’t give a damn on one way or the other as long as they don’t bother me. And even if they did, I’d just say no thank you. And that’s the Attitude of most of the Laramie population. They might poke one if they were in a bar situation, you know, they had been drinking, they might actually smack one in the mouth, but they’d just walk away. Most of ’em, they would just say, ‘I don’t swing that way’ and whistle on about their business. Laramie is live and let live. (17) Marge talked about how the citizens of Laramie practice a philosophy that life goes on. There are times that they are bothered, and they exchange words and even physically hurt one another; but that’s it, they won’t hold a grudge on one another. After such argument or fight, they’ll just move on and live another day. Marge pointed out that they practice the same view toward view about homosexuality; they neither reject nor accept homosexual people. There are also some citizens of Laramie that showed acceptance towards homosexuals. Father Roger Schmit was one of them; he showed compassion and conveyed such resistance to violenceShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Laramie Project1907 Words  | 8 Pages The Laramie Project, written by Moisà ©s Kaufman, is a compilation of interviews by The Tectonic Theater Project, news publications, and journal entries. After the brutal murder of Mathew Sheppard in 1998. Kaufman along with his theater troupe made six visits to Laramie, Wyoming, where the murder took place, to interview people about what happened and how they felt about the crime in their community. They interviewed about two hundred people, of which about sixty were included in the play. 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